How to Choose The Right Board

Activity boards are one of the most valuable tools used to communicate with residents in senior living and long term care. And they come in all shapes and sizes. The challenge is how to select what’s best.

Here are five tips to help you choose:

1.  Define the purpose. It is essential that you know Why there is a need or desire to post the information, because that will help you…

2.  Determine the placement. Where you post ties into the purpose, and the required/desired location may not have sufficient wall space available. If not, you can consider using free-standing floor displays (which are multi-purpose as they can be moved to where they are needed next). Once you’ve defined the purpose and determined the placement of your message, you can move on to…

3.  What needs to be communicated? The message is key, and could range from basic Events and Holidays flyers to more complex Date & Weather boards or posting information to meet regulatory requirements. Whatever the message, at this stage you now need to identify…

4.  Who is the audience? Remember your purpose and your message. The form your activity board will take depends on who will be reading its contents. Is it residents, their families, visitors, employees, management? Each of these has very different interests and needs, so be sure to consider…

5.  How the message will be conveyed. What is the mood (serious, light-hearted)? What size board is most appropriate? What display formats are needed? Can you build the board using standard configurations or is a custom design required?

When you’ve worked your way through the Why, Where, What, Who and How, you will be in a position to know your specific requirements. Congratulations, you are ready to procure your board!

And that’s where can help. You’ll find there are virtually limitless configurations of activity boards you can build and order directly from the website. Or, by working with us directly, we will custom design to your specifications and and then build just what you need.