Together We Care 2024 – Yeti Draw Winners!

We want to express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to visit us at the Aroh & MyActivityBoard booth during Together We Care 2024! It was truly a pleasure and an honour to connect with each and every one of you.

At Aroh & MyActivityBoard, we are dedicated to enhancing the relationships our customers build with their residents, and it was wonderful to see that same dedication reflected in everyone we met at the event.

We look forward to continuing this journey together, striving to make a positive impact in the lives of seniors. Thank you once again for making this event memorable and for your ongoing dedication to the well-being of our seniors.

Yeti Grand Prize Winner

Winner will be contacted via email.


Yeti Tumbler Winners

Winners will be contacted via email.



Versatility of Resident Communication Boards

Features For Every Need

The versatility of our resident communication boards means you are not limited to wall-mounted designs only. We also offer desktop units and freestanding stands that offer a large degree of flexibility. So, if‘s pre-existing products are not quite what you are looking for, we offer the ability to customize your design. With thousands of board arrangements available, we are confident we can provide a solution to address all your needs.


The heart of‘s modular system is MAGFrames. They offer the simplest solution to posting paper documents. Their non-glare lenses make it easy to read documents in any light. Made from high-strength materials with the backing of our lifetime warranty* means peace of mind that your activity board will last well into the future.

Clear Crisp Titles

A key to finding information is being able to quickly scan and locate what you’re looking for. Our clear crisp titles are designed to grab attention and entice residents to keep reading about all the great activities you provide.

New and Improved Whiteboards

We have taken whiteboards to a new level with our highly durable whiteboard material. Designed for daily use its no-ghosting finish means that the board will always look clean and new, even after years of use. Our whiteboards are also available in a magnetic version, and can be added to any board layout. 

Tacking Surface uses a self-healing tacking surface that doesn’t dry out or crumble, and it has the ability to self heal so it looks like new all the time. The tacking surface is available in many different sizes and colours to ensure it blends with your décor.

Binder Holders for Multiple Documents

For those systems that require multiple documents, folders, or binders, we offer a variety of document holders that can be added to your resident communication board to post information that is both organized and easy to manage.

resident communication boards

Date and Weather Systems

We offer a date and weather system that is not only easy to use for staff and residents, it will also withstand the rigours of life in a care home. Made from a lightweight, non-rip plastic, the components are printed with easy-to-read graphics that can be changed by staff or residents.Replacement Kit - YellowOur customers are always finding new resident communication board configurations! Visit our gallery page to see examples of these innovative uses or scroll through our listing of standard boards by application.

How Elevator Display Boards Help Improve Communication

elevator display boards

Well Prepared Communication

Poor communication on an elevator display board doesn’t get noticed, and is easily ignored. This is the unfortunate situation seen in some residences. Disinterested residents who don’t attend activities is likely a symptom of poor communication.

Good communication needs to inform and educate residents, using a combination of engaging content, larger text, visually appealing graphics and colour. Well prepared communication on an elevator display board is much more likely to be noticed, read and remembered.

Remove the clutter of random pieces of paper posted in the elevator and replace it with a professional, appealing presentation that is easy for riders to view. Posting daily activities on elevator display boards help residents find their favourite activities and verify the time and location. Not only that, but displaying daily events and important notices helps to stimulate conversation among residents.

Captive Audience

Give your riders something to read while they are on the elevator, with’s fire-rated elevator display boards. In an elevator, you have a captive audience for the few moments they are in the elevator cab. During this time the information presented can be digested or ignored. It depends on how this information is presented. Used effectively, elevator display boards communicate more information to residents in a manner that is noticed and remembered.

Centralized Communication

A common placement of important notices is in the elevator where they can be seen by every rider. Placing them in elevators invariably helps aid in recall, as residents use them numerous times throughout the day.

Effective communication means more residents are better informed about activities and events, and are  then more likely to participate in programs. Communication remains the key! Elevators are a great place to post upcoming events, important information, or even urgent notices such as fire drills. Your riders are a captive audience, so why not take the opportunity to inform them?

Check out our Elevator Board page to see multiple configurations of elevator boards. Or work with us directly  to create your perfect board!


Optimal Dining Experience

Quality of Life for Residents

Quality of life is considered a primary goal for residents, and this directly corresponds with an optimal dining experience. Meal time is important to all of us, and even more important for residents. A good dining experience helps enhance social interaction, build a sense of community and increase nutritional intake – all which contribute to a person’s mental and physical well being.

The Senior Living Dining Experience

Dining in senior living isn’t what it used to be in yesteryears. Today, dining in senior living rivals dining at a nice restaurant. Most importantly,  it should be an interactive experience and seniors want to enjoy everything about their meals.

Residents consider meal time to be an activity, and it is a very important part of their day. They look forward to great food shared with good conversation at meal time. A great dining experience in senior living starts with a good first impression. Furthermore, an appealing professional menu display is important to contribute to the overall experience.

Curiosity about lunch, what’s on the menu, and when it will be served, are all questions easily answered without marking up a whiteboard or concerning yourself about legibility. Using menu boards help anticipate upcoming meals and promote conversation among residents.

Menu Boards in Long Term Care

Multiple dining rooms and the myriad of regulatory requirements present unique challenges for resident dining in long term care.’s menu boards are designed with these challenges top of mind.

Each has been developed by working with dietary specialists to ensure an optimal dining experience. As a result, they are easier to read and even easier to update, plus they meet all regulatory requirements!

Lastly, with the array of options available, your menu board will be anything but bland! Whether you simply post the daily menu, therapeutic menu, display one that uses a large size font, or post the weekly or dietary menus, we think you’ll agree that our boards are a much better option than a whiteboard.

Check out our menu board page for configuration ideas that will help provide your residents with an optimal dining experience!


Importance of Date and Weather Systems

Date and weather systemsA Long Term Care residence is much more than just a building, it is a home. Activity professionals are challenged daily with making their residence home-like, while still maintaining their professional obligations to post daily activities and other important notices.

Importance of Date and Weather Boards

Knowledge of date and weather conditions is commonplace for most of us; however, this is more of a challenge for those living in long term care who don’t have ready access to this information. Date and Weather systems help provide residents with two important aspects of their daily life: They help residents keep track of time and add to their independence. This is accomplished by instilling confidence in them by being able to find out the date and current weather conditions on their own, along with other information that would be of interest. Your residents will feel empowered knowing they can find out what they want and need to know, on their own. They will be more confident in their decisions and more self-assured when they don’t feel the need to ask others what is happening.

The information displayed on Date and Weather systems helps prompt conversation. It provides a great opportunity to talk about dates and events, the changing seasons and the weather, which always provide lots of scope for conversation.

Providing Effective Communication

Organized communication is effective communication, which adds credibility to your message. This is important not only to your residents, but to their families and staff as well. MyActivityBoard’s easy-to-change date & weather system makes the ideal resident communication board. The configuration of our Activity Boards are specifically designed to remove the clutter of outdated cork boards and the random posting of paper documents, in addition to being visually appealing.

Date and Weather Boards for Long Term Care

MyActivityBoard’s Date and Weather system is not only easy to use for staff and residents, but it also with stands daily life in the residence. Made from durable, non-rip plastic, the pieces are printed with easy-to-read graphics that can be changed daily. MyActivityBoard’s standard date and weather boards are ideal for your long term care resident home areas. The simple-to-use date and weather system is made from durable, flexible materials that can be configured into any board design. It’s so easy to use: simply flip the correct date slide onto the board and add the colourful, appealing, easy-to-see graphics.

Date and Weather systems from will help ensure that information is communicated effectively to your residents by keeping postings organized, up to date and visually appealing.

Check out our Date and Weather Page or contact us directly to find out how a date and weather system  will fit into your community!



Permanent Hand Wash Signs

We have the equipment, the people and the skills to do something that will benefit people now. As a way to say thank you to our customers, the team wanted to produce a piece that would have a positive impact on them. Together we have designed and donated the materials to create a 12-step hand washing sign that meets the standards set out by the World Health Organization (WHO). These permanent signs are an ideal replacement for paper signage, and can be easily disinfected with commercial cleaners. These clean and professional looking signs allow you to promote the proper hand washing process in your work place.

Originally we produced 1,000 hand washing signs for distribution to our customers in appreciation for all they do. However we had such a big response that we produced and distributed 1,500 hand washing signs to our remarkable customers. Aroh Inc. and MyActivityBoard are dedicated to maintaining our core values during this time. From assembling the signs to packaging and distribution everyone had a role to play. None of this would have been possible without the hard work and dedication from our amazing team.

We want to say thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in keeping our seniors safe during this time. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. As a way to express our gratitude for all you do, we want to do what we can to help keep you, your teams and your residents safe. We are working diligently to make sure that we are continuing to do our part as COVID-19 quickly evolves. Along with our dedicated suppliers, Custom Sign Solutions and Laird Plastics, we’re here to help and support our customers! Remember, this crisis will pass, and what we do now will dictate how we come out when it’s all over. For us to get there, we must work together!

Be Well Friends and Stay Safe!


Promoting Quality of Life for Long Term Care Residents

The Activity Professional is key to enhancing the quality of life for residents. The interests, strengths and needs of the residents are constantly changing. Therefore, activity programming cannot remain fixed; it must be a dynamic activity program, which promotes quality of life for all residents.

Clear Concise Communication

Effectively communicating with seniors in Retirement and Long Term Care residences is paramount to making programming effective, and promoting quality of life for residents. How the communication is presented has a direct effect on its perceived value. The more professional the presentation, the more credible the information. Clear, Concise, Communication is our philosophy! There is no better way to keep residents informed of all the great activities you provide than by using activity boards. Information is presented in an organized, appealing way that helps residents find whatever they need, effectively and efficiently.

Traditional Communication

Simplicity and clarity are imperative to ensure information is communicated effectively on a daily basis. Using traditional cork boards for communication leads to a number of issues. The random nature of the cork boards makes it difficult to keep all your postings organized, up to date, and visually appealing. Attempts to organize the information can make it look cheesy and childlike. A well designed board removes the clutter associated with outdated cork boards. All the information is still relayed, but its elegant and appealing presentation ensures each home area of the residence feels less like an office and more like a home.

Paper, Paper Everywhere

The Activity Board is the central location for all information, and residents know where to go to find the required information. A common issue is the random posting of paper notices around the building. The old ways of taping random notices in erratic locations are difficult to manage and lessen the significance of the information being presented. Just because it’s posted everywhere, does not mean it is going to be seen or read. The cluttered an unsightly look of paper postings around the building does not look good for current residents, future residents and visitors. However a well designed board that is organized will be perceived with more value and professionalism.

A Professional Activity Board

Their look is designed to complement and even enhance the residence’s décor – while still relaying all require information. Having a clean and professional communication system instills confidence in families who come to visit. Keeping them aware of what is happening in the community helps them feel comfortable that their loved ones are being taken care of and that there are appealing activities to keep them active. When you focus on clarity and quality of the information, your residents will be more receptive to the message and more likely to participate. Replace those old, cluttered, disorganized and unappealing pin boards with an elegant medium MyActivityBoard that will get noticed and read.

Built for Your Residence has the solutions you are looking for, backed by product knowledge, and proven products – truly a one-stop shop for all your activity board needs. In addition to our standard solutions, we create specialized boards for other applications, each one custom-designed to meet your individual needs and specifications. Our credibility in this market allows us to provide innovative solutions to address any challenge; we guarantee we have a solution for you! Contact us today for help in promoting quality of life with your residents!

Dedicated to our Customers

We just want to take this time to say thank you for supporting the well being of our seniors during this uncertain time. Just as you are dedicated to helping our seniors, we are dedicated to our customers. We are here to help and support you in any way we can. Heres a quick update to let you know how we are doing our part to reduce the impact as COVID-19 quickly evolves.

As you are likely aware, the Ontario government has recently announced that all non-essential businesses in the Province of Ontario have ceased operations. Based on the list of the Essential Workers provided by the Provincial Government, Aroh Inc. and will continue to operate as scheduled, while observing the recommended COVID-19 precautions to ensure customer and employee safety. We are maintaining and will continue to maintain our core values in being dedicated to our customers.

We guarantee all of our products have been produced and shipped in a clean and safe environment for the well being of our employees, their families, and our customers. Remember, this crisis will pass, and what we do now will dictate how we come out when it’s all over. For us to get there, we must work together.
We have:

  • Adopted respiratory hygiene and etiquette measures.
  • Scheduled frequent disinfection of all workplace areas to maintain a safe and clean work environment.
  • Put policy in effect to limit number of employees in the building by having a work at home policy for those employees that have a function that permits it.
  • Implemented strict protocols for any employee who; a) is exhibiting symptoms, b) has come in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, c) or anyone that has travelled or has come in contact with anyone that has travelled out of the country.
  • Cancelled all installations in any occupied residences.
  • Implemented the full sanitization of products prior to packaging and shipping as part of our assembly procedure.

Be well and stay safe friends!

Hero Shields For Front Line Workers

It turns out that the equipment you need to make signs is also the equipment you need to make face shields – or as we like to call them HERO Shields. These face shields are used to ensure safety for front line workers and health care professionals. PPE products are difficult to find at the moment, and we want to ensure that your needs are taken care of. We have the equipment, the people and the skills to do something bigger than just making signs. Most importantly we have the ability to be able to deliver for our customers. 

As we go through these times our core value of helping others becomes increasingly more important to us. Everyone has a role to play, and here at Aroh Inc. and MyActivityBoard we are working diligently to make sure that we are doing our part as COVID-19 quickly evolves.

Two weeks ago we really didn’t know what a face shield was, how it was made or how significant it is in protecting front line workers. Today we are making hundreds of them a day. The HERO Shield design is based on Health Canada’s guidelines to ensure their safety. We have been able to source local suppliers for the materials needed, which enables us to keep costs low. 

We have a hard working team who is committed to the project at hand. Without their efforts we would not be able to produce a consistent supply. From production to delivery, we want to take a moment and extend our gratitude to everyone who is involved with HERO Shields. Without each one of you, none of this would be possible. This is our small contribution to help keep your team and residents safe. We are in unprecedented times, but please remember we are all in this together. 

Be Well Friends and Stay Safe!

Getting the Word Out On What Just Went Down!

Event follow up is too often an after-thought, or forgotten completely. Which is too bad. So much planning goes into ensuring the activity is well-advertised, that residents are aware of what is going on, that they get excited about participating, and that they have a great time when they get there.

So, why would you want to let all that build-up and resulting good time fade away?

Continue reading Getting the Word Out On What Just Went Down!