Getting the Word Out On What Just Went Down!

Event follow up is too often an after-thought, or forgotten completely. Which is too bad. So much planning goes into ensuring the activity is well-advertised, that residents are aware of what is going on, that they get excited about participating, and that they have a great time when they get there.

So, why would you want to let all that build-up and resulting good time fade away?

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How to Choose The Right Board

Activity boards are one of the most valuable tools used to communicate with residents in senior living and long term care. And they come in all shapes and sizes. The challenge is how to select what’s best.

Here are five tips to help you choose:

1.  Define the purpose. It is essential that you know Why there is a need or desire to post the information, because that will help you…

2.  Determine the placement. Where you post ties into the purpose, and the required/desired location may not have sufficient wall space available. If not, you can consider using free-standing floor displays (which are multi-purpose as they can be moved to where they are needed next). Once you’ve defined the purpose and determined the placement of your message, you can move on to…

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Improving Independence with Effective Communication

Improving independence starts with how informed and aware your residents are with what is going on around them. Stated simply: informed residents are more independent and self-confident.

Improvements in independence correlate directly with your residents’ feelings of belonging, of being in control of their lives, and the increased likelihood they will look forward to and participate in your various activities on a regular basis.

What can you do to boost their self-confidence? I am glad you asked…

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Utilizing Large Calendars In Dementia

Using an activity calendar for seniors with dementia is an excellent way to communicate with your residents. The larger format is easier for them to read and, when it is posted in gathering areas, it is easily accessible and lets everyone see what’s going on in the community. 

Incorporating the activity calendar on a large board with other information your residents are most interested in and will have questions about — “What day is it? What is it like outside? What is going on today?” — is an ideal format to address their specific needs.

When you present Date & Weather boards with the full month’s calendar and current day’s activities in an organized, uncluttered display, you will be helping your residents to notice, understand and perhaps even remember some of what they read. The boards are an ideal way to show guidance; a stroll down the hallway, for example — from the activity board to the dining room (where the menu board is). 

What are the key components of an activity calendar for seniors with dementia? Consider these four “Es”… 

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In The Know – Where They Want To Go

There is nothing more reassuring than being in the right place at the right time, boosting residents’ self-esteem and confidence in their ability to be in control of their lives.

Conversely, not being where they want to be when they need to be there is frustrating and stressful, negatively affecting self-esteem and even causing anxiety.

Beyond creating attractive and highly visible announcements they will notice — using bright colours, larger fonts, and pictures or graphics to pique residents’ interest — where you display the information plays an equally important role in engaging them and helping them get there on their own, on time.

Use of the following 4 “Rs” will give your residents the confidence they need to feel in control of their lives and comfortable with their decisions.

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Increasing Participation Leads to Active Seniors

It’s not surprising that the more active seniors are, the more involved they will become. Overall, active residents are happier and more fulfilled. Increased activity and interaction with others has a positive effect on not only quality of life, but to living a longer one as well. Participating in meaningful activities helps fulfill physical, social and emotional needs.

It’s important to provide opportunities for your residents to take part in daily living as well as social and educational activities — as often as possible. The challenge is finding ways to engage them on a regular basis and build on the level of participation.

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